Desktop security compromised
Hi all!
Just found this rather nasty bug(?)in a widget that comes with DesktopX 3.
Thought people should know about it in order to take appropriate meassures.
When trying to find ways to correct this bug in the Silica Calendar widget;
I checked around on my system trying to find where widgets put temp files,
I also checked in my Temporary Internet Files folder
(usually located at C:\Documents and Settings\*your user name*\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files).
Imagine my surprise finding that it was full of cached files even though
I use Firefox as my main browser. The date of some of the cached files went back
several days. This confounded me since I have IE's security settings set so that
when IE is closed all files in the Temporary Internet Files folder are deleted
(in IE go to Tools > Internet Options... > Advanced tab > scroll down to the bottom,
check Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed).
I spotted some files that I saw was related to weather and currency and since I run
Silica Calendar.exe, CurrencyGlass.exe and AeroWeather.exe as widgets set to start
when windows start I figured one or all were to blame.
After elimination testing how the Temporary Internet Files were handled I found
that the CurrencyGlass.exe widget is the widget to blame.
Somehow there is a function in the script that prevent the Internet Explorer cache
to be deleted when the widget is running.
I also tried the other currency widget; Currency.exe and that also has the
same troublesome bug.
Try it yourself by running it together with IE, browse around on some web pages
and refresh the folder since it doesn't refresh by itself.
Can Stardock fix this bug or should I delete the currency widgets?